
FreedomWorks, the hard-line conservative policy group that helped launch the tea party movement, is attempting a major makeover.

One of the most renowned political groups to have branched off from the Koch Brothers’ network has decided to transform itself into a more moderate group, one sounding traditionally libertarian notes while pursuing the types of ideological compromise it used to eschew.

In a presentation intended for donors, lawmakers and others obtained by POLITICO, the group called for a “New FreedomWorks for a New World.” The presentation outlined the beliefs of independent voters who embrace such concepts as “climate realism” and “abortion options.”

In a letter to donors and staff, the group’s president Adam Brandon said conservatives no longer showed commitment to the philosophy of limited government and appealed for modesty on social policy.

At the heart of the attempted transformation is research conducted by FreedomWorks that shows suburban independent voters support “tolerance and choice,” Brandon wrote. He stressed that for the group to be successful, it must embrace those values and “become a beacon of sanity in turbulent times.”

Read article at POLITICO