April 23, 2024 UPDATE:  Incumbent Morgan Meyer maintains 500+ vote lead over Barry Wernick after the recount.  According to the Dallas County Elections Department, the outcome of the March Primary did not change following a hand recount of the original electronic results.  “Over the last two weeks, the County Republican Party has conducted a thorough by-hand recount in the Texas House District 108 contest. The report shows a difference of only 15 votes between the election results and the hand tallied results of the recount. This represents a variation of 0.05% when compared to the more than 26,000 ballots that were cast.” Statement by Dallas County Elections Dept.

April 1, 2024 UPDATE: Barry Wernick states that HD108 Recount will begin tomorrow, April 2nd 2024.
Wernick Update Statement

March 15, 2024: Barry Wernick (R) requests a recount in HD108. Current election results show Morgan Meyer* (R) ahead by 523 votes (51% – 49%).
Wernick Twitter Statement