
“I will not seek re-election to the Texas House of Representatives in 2024. It’s time for the next conservative leader to be the voice of House District 6 in Austin. God instituted civil government, He chooses its leaders, and He has called ‘we the people’ to be good stewards of authority. So to God be the glory for the privilege to serve my fellow Texans in this capacity for 12 years. With deep gratitude I say thank you to my family, staff, friends, campaign supporters, and fellow citizens who have prayed, donated, and given me their trust! Serving in the Texas House has been one of the highest honors of my life. I will remain focused on my duties until my term ends. I look forward to spending more time with my wonderful wife, young children, church, and business. Future elected office remains in God’s hands. If our outstanding State Senator Bryan Hughes ever chooses higher office, I will strongly consider running for the Texas Senate.”

Source: Matt Schaefer Public Official Twitter