Election Updates
2024 Primary Election
March 5, 2024

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Final, unofficial results.  The SOS Election Results page shows all 5,152 polling locations reported.  https://results.texas-election.com/landing-page

Final numbers have been updated below for hot races.  Since about 11:00p election night, three outcomes have changed.  HD 65 Kronda Thimesch* lost to Mitch Little; HD 97 Cheryl Bean and John McQueeney are now in a runoff; and in HD 12 Ben Bius squeaked ahead of John Harvey Slocum to make the runoff with Trey Wharton.

Numbers updated throughout per final results today.  Results for all races will be posted over the next few days at https://txroundtable.com/elections/.

Incumbents lost: 9 House Republicans, 3 CCA Republican Judges

HD 2 – J Dutton* (R) 43 v Money (R) 57
HD 11 – Clardy* (R) 37 v Shofner (R) 63
HD 18 – Bailes* (R) 39 v Holt (R) 53
HD 26 – Jetton* (R) 39 v Morgan (R) 55
HD 55 – Shine* (R) 40 v Hickland (R) 53
HD 60 – Rogers* (R) 37 v Olcott (R) 63
HD 62 – R Smith* (R) 47 v Luther (R) 53
HD 65 – Thimesch* (R) 49.31 v Little (R) 50.69
HD 121 – Allison* (R) 39 v LaHood (R) 53
CCAPJ – Keller* (R) 37 v Schenck (R) 63
CCA7 – Hervey* (R) 34 v Parker (R) 66
CCA8 – Slaughter* (R) 46 v Finley (R) 54

Incumbents headed to a runoff: 8 House Republicans, 1 House Democrat, 1 Republican Congressman

HD 1 – VanDeaver* (R) 45.5 v Spencer (R) 43
HD 21 – Phelan* (R) 43 v Covey (R) 46
HD 33 – Holland* (R) 39 v Pierson (R) 39
HD 44 – Kuempel* (R) 45 v Schoolcraft (R) 48
HD 58 – Burns* (R) 41 v Kerwin (R) 49
HD 61 – Frazier* (R) 32 v Richardson (R) 40
HD 64 – Stucky* (R) 43 v Hopper (R) 47
HD 91 – Klick* (R) 48 v Lowe (R) 46
HD 146 – Thierry* (D) 44 v Simmons (D) 49.53
TX 23 – Gonzalez* (R) 46 v Herrera (R) 21

Open seat runoffs: 1 Senate Democrat race, 1 Senate Republican race, 4 House Republican races, 4 House Democrat races, 1 Republican congressional race

SD 15 – Jarvis Johnson (D) 36 v Molly Cook (D) 21
SD 30 – Hagenbuch (R) 36 v Yarbrough (R) 34
HD 12 – Wharton (R) 35 v Ben Bius (R) 32.66 v Slocum (R) 32.36 (90 votes between Bius and Slocum)
HD 29 – Barry (R) 48 v Kamkar (R) 44
HD 30 – Bauknight (R) 42 v Louderback (R) 40
HD 37 –Cortez (D) 32 v Gracia (D) 25
HD 77 – Perez (D) 38 v Chavez (D) 32
HD 80 – Cuellar (D) 25 v Castellano (D) 27
HD 97 – Bean (R) 49.57 v McQueeney (R) 29.66
HD 139 – Thibodeaux (D) 33 v Ward Johnson (D) 24
TX 12 – Goldman (R) 44 v O’Shea (R) 26

Open and hot race winners:

US Senate – Allred (D) 59
RRC – Craddick* (R) 50.42
SC4 – Devine* (R) 50.44
SD 16 – N Johnson* (D) 60 v Neave (D) 40
HD 14 – Dyson (R) 64 v Davis (R) 36
HD 17 – Gerdes* (R) 60 v Glass (R) 40
HD 19 – Troxclair* (R) 52 v Biedermann (R) 43
HD 34 – Ortiz (D) 73 v Barrera (D) 27
HD 53 – Virdell (R) 60 v H Smith (R) 40
HD 56 – Curry (R) 58 v Duke (R) 42
HD 66 – Shaheen* (R) 64 v Richard (R) 36
HD 67 – Leach* (R) 65 v Meis (R) 35
HD 68 – Spiller* (R) 67 v Kingsberry (R) 33
HD 71 – Lambert* (R) 52 v Case (R) 48
HD 72 – Darby* (R) 57 v Bradley (R) 43
HD 80 – McLaughlin (R) 58 v Ramirez (R) 26, Powell (R) 16
HD 83 – Burrows* (R) 68 v Cowan (R) 32
HD 85 – Kitzman* (R) 67 v Greeson (R) 33
HD 86 – Smithee* (R) 72 v Haynes (R) 28
HD 87 – Fairly (R) 60 v Bulla (R) 23 v Beyea (R) 10 v Quackenbush (R) 7
HD 88 – Ken King* (R) 78 v Post (R) 22
HD 89 – Noble* (R) 53 v George (R) 47
HD 99 – Geren* (R) 60 v Reynolds (R) 40
HD 100 – V Jones* (D) 50.68 v Mallary Caraway (D) 26 v Crenshaw (D) 17 v McFarlane (D) 7
HD 108 – Meyer* (R) 51.28 v Wernick (R) 48.72
HD 109 – Davis (D) 62 v Walton (D) 38
HD 112 – Button* (R) 72 v Carnahan (R) 28
HD 115 – Cas Hernandez (D) 58 v Rumsey (D) 31 v Cornwallis (D) 11
HD 133 – DeAyala* (R) 59 v Perez (R) 41
HD 138 – Hull* (R) 61 v Woodfill (R) 39
TX 3 – Self* (R) 73 v 4 opponents
TX 18 – Jackson Lee* (D) 60 v Edwards (D) 36
TX 26 – Gill (R) 58 v 10 opponents
TX 31 – Carter* (R) 65 v 5 opponents
TX 32 – Julie Johnson (D) 50.44 v Brian Williams (D) 19

SOS Election Results: https://results.texas-election.com/landing-page
For links to candidate websites and final results for other races, see the Elections page https://txroundtable.com/elections/.

To subscribe to election updates and reports, please send an email to carol@carolsims.us

A quick note on canvassing and recounts.  Canvassing generally must happen between three and 11 days after the election.  Races are generally eligible for recounts if 10% would make a difference in the outcome.  Recount requests must be submitted by the later of five days after the election or the second day after canvassing is completed.  The recount requestor must pay a fee per precinct recounted, which can add up quickly.  In the age of electronic voting it is rare for a recount to change an outcome, and candidates always run the risk of losing votes rather than gaining votes.  See excerpts of relevant statutes below.

These are excerpts only.  See complete statute here: https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/EL/htm/EL.212.htm



Sec. 212.022.  OBTAINING INITIAL RECOUNT IN ELECTION ON OFFICE.  Except as provided by Section 212.0241, a candidate for nomination or election to an office may obtain an initial recount in an election in which the person was a candidate if:

(1)  the difference in the number of votes received by the candidate and any candidate for the office who is shown by the election returns to be nominated, elected, or entitled to a place on a runoff ballot or tied for nomination, election, or entitlement to a place on a runoff ballot is less than 10 percent of that candidate’s number of votes;

(3)  the secretary of state certifies that counting errors affecting the election occurred in one or more election precincts in which paper ballots were used, as provided by Section 212.034;  or
(4)  the total number of votes received by all candidates for the office is less than 1,000 as shown by the election returns.

Sec. 212.028.  TIME FOR SUBMITTING PETITION.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b), a petition for an initial recount must be submitted by the later of:
(1)  5 p.m. of the fifth day after election day; or
(2)  5 p.m. of the second day after the date the canvassing authority to whose presiding officer the petition must be submitted completes its canvass of the original election returns.

The recount supervisor shall, with the written approval of the recount coordinator, order the recount to be held on a date occurring not later than the seventh day after the date the petition is determined to comply with the applicable requirements.


Sec. 212.111.  DEPOSIT REQUIRED.  (a)  A deposit to cover the costs of a recount must accompany the submission of a recount document.
(b)  The deposit must be in the form of cash or a cashier’s check or money order made payable to the recount coordinator.

Sec. 212.112.  AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT.  The amount of the recount deposit is:
(1)  $60 for each precinct in which regular paper ballots were used; and
(2)  $100 for each precinct in which an electronic voting system was used.


These are excerpts only.  See complete statute here:  https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/EL/htm/EL.67.htm



Sec. 67.003.  TIME FOR LOCAL CANVASS.  (a)  Repealed by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 992 (H.B. 929), Sec. 3, eff. September 1, 2017.

(b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), each local canvassing authority shall convene to conduct the local canvass at the time set by the canvassing authority’s presiding officer not later than the 11th day after election day and not earlier than the later of:
(1)  the third day after election day;
(2)  the date on which the early voting ballot board has verified and counted all provisional ballots, if a provisional ballot has been cast in the election; or
(3)  the date on which all timely received ballots cast from addresses outside of the United States are counted, if a ballot to be voted by mail in the election was provided to a person outside of the United States.